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Bored of Board Books

Kimberly Perry

Updated: Apr 23, 2023

Board books are a great way to introduce your child to the world of reading; they're sturdy, easy to grasp, and filled with colorful pictures and simple stories that capture your young child's imagination.

But how do you know when it's time to move beyond board books and onto more complex reading material?

Here are a few signs that your child is ready to move beyond board books and onto more developmentally appropriate reading material:

  1. They can sit still for longer periods of time. If your child can sit still for longer periods of time and engage with a story, then it might be time to introduce them to longer books. Typically, a child around the age of 2-3 can sit through 400-600 written words.

  2. They're showing an interest in more complex storylines. If your child is starting to ask questions about the characters and plot of the stories you're reading, it might be time to move on from the board books.

  3. They're starting to recognize sight words. Once your child starts recognizing sight words, they'll be able to read simple sentences on their own. This is a good indicator that they're ready to move on to new material.

  4. They're beginning to sound out words. If your child is starting to sound out words, they're ready to tackle longer, more complex, reading material.

Every child is different and will develop at their own pace. Don't rush your child into reading more challenging material before they're ready. Moving beyond board books should be a natural progression based on your child's developmental readiness. Remember, a two or three year old cannot fully comprehend much past 400-600 written words so jumping right into a lengthy picture book may not be the best option.

This transitional time between board books and an 800+ word picture book got me thinking about my own home library. To my surprise, there wasn't a lot in our library to meet the developmental readiness of my three year old. AND THEN... an idea was born. Why not write me own?

So, here I am writing my own children's book that is specifically intended for that unique time when a reader becomes bored of the board books, but they aren't completely developmentally ready to sit and comprehend a lengthy picture book. Stay tuned! I cannot wait to share my book-writing journey with y'all!

Believe in the magic of reading.

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